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2021 - 2022 Members

Sara in Pollinator Garden_edited_edited_edited.jpg

Michaela at Maskunky.JPG
Michaela is served as a 2021-22 Green Iowa AmeriCorps Member. She is from Norwalk, Iowa and graduated from Iowa State University with a degree in Biological & Pre-Medical Illustration. She is excited to learn more about the best practices to keep Iowa’s natural habitats clean and thriving for all organisms within them during her time with AmeriCorps.

Bryan Torres
Bryan was a 2021-22 Green Iowa AmeriCorps summer member. Bryan grew up in East Hampton, Connecticut and will be entering his senior year at Valparaiso University in Valparaiso, Indiana this fall. He is majoring in Geography along with a Meteorology minor. The uniquity of Iowa's ecosystems fascinates him and he enjoys sharing his love for conservation with others.

Sophia Murphy
Sophia served Green Iowa AmeriCorps as one of our wonderful 2021-2022 summer members. She's originally from Knoxville, Iowa and moved to Ottumwa to study at Indian Hills Community College. There she is working towards an Associates of Applied Science in Geospatial Technology. Sophia enjoys hiking, bonfires, and just generally being outside.
2020 - 2021 Members

Bryce Lidtka
Bryce was the Project Coordinator for the South Skunk River and Cedar Creek Watershed Project up through the autumn of 2021. He is now the Cedar Creek Watershed Coordinator. Bryce grew up on a farm near Grinnell, Iowa and graduated from the University of Wyoming with a Master of Science degree in Soil Science.

Tiana Stewart
Tiana served as a 2020-21 Green Iowa AmeriCorps Coordinator. She is originally from Naples, Florida and has a bachelors in Chemistry from the University of Central Florida. She is currently working on her Masters in Environmental Science to help further her passion about water quality and testing, and finding ways to improve drinking water.

Abigayle Sweet
Abby served as a 2021 Summer Member. She is from Centerville, IA and is studying Conservation Biology at William Penn University. She is excited to learn more about water quality and conservation practices.

Aaron Martinez
Aaron served his second term as a 2021 Summer Member. He is originally from Altoona, IA and studies Conservation Biology at William Penn University. He is looking forward to hands on experience into what goes into making a healthy watershed.

Laney Black
Laney joined the Green Iowa AmeriCorps - Mahaska Partnership in late March 2020 until September 2020. Originally from the Eldon/Ottumwa, Iowa area, she is a Sophomore Biology major and member of the Wildlife Ecology Club at William Penn University.
2019 - 2020 Members

Abigail Anderson
Abby served as a full time coordinator from 2019-2020. She is originally from Southwest Iowa and graduated from Central College with her Bachelors Degree in Biology. She hopes to someday become a Herpetologist.

Janelle K Randau
Janelle served as a full time coordinator from 2019 to Feburary 2020. Janelle and her husband operate Goats n Gardens and The Garden Planner home businesses, as well as helps to manage the Oskaloosa Vendor and Farmers Market. She was proud to have this opportunity to serve her hometown of Oskaloosa and Mahaska County through Green Iowa AmeriCorps.

Aaron Martinez
Aaron served as a summer member for 2020. He is originally from Altoona, Iowa and loves to spend time outdoors. He is studying conservation biology at William Penn and is active in football, Wildlife Ecology Club and Delta Beta Phi.

Brenden Phillips
Brenden served as a summer member for 2020. Originally from Atlus, Oklahoma, Brenden is currently attending William Penn University for a degree in wildlife biology.

Malia Horn
Malia served as a summer member for 2020. Originally from Missouri, Malia is currently enrolled at Indian Hills Community College in Ottumwa.
Past Partners

Cameron Kleinschmidt
Cameron served as a Field Member for summer 2019. He is from Washington, Iowa and is majoring in Biology at William Penn University. He has hopes of becoming a Benthic Macroinvertabrate Ecologist.

Terry Jackson
Terry served as a Field Member for summer 2019. He is majoring in Biology at William Penn University and is originally from Houston, Alaska. Terry is planning to go into the field of Forestry Management.

Sara Mosher
Sara served as a Field Member for summer 2019. She is from Ottumwa, Iowa and was majoring in Geospatial Technology at Indian Hills Community College, with aspirations to go into the field of utilizing her GIS education to help with conservation efforts.

Madison Lantz
Madison served as the Marketing and Educational Outreach member during summer 2019. She is originally from Corona, California and is majoring in Psychology and Human Services at William Penn University.

Meleia Shelman
Meleia is the former Muchankinock Creek Project Coordinator in Mahaska County. She represented the Mahaska County Soil and Water Conservation District and Muchakinock Creek Watershed Project in the original host site partnership.

Akhilesh Pal
Akhilesh was the Public Works Director for the City of Oskaloosa, and supervised the Public Works, Streets, and Parks departments. He worked with the City Council and City Manager to plan and complete short and long-term improvements, and supervised ongoing work to ensure that city standard are met. Akhilesh worked to organize the partners for the Green Iowa program and the resources needed to initiate to the program in the City of Oskaloosa.
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